This past weekend I skied in Vermont. On my first day of skiing, I used a pair of Head demo skiis, designed especially for women. My current skis are also designed for women but this pair was a step up from my beginner skis. Prior to that, I used a pair of shape skis but I always felt I was not in control and was fighting the snow. As I struggle with getting a little older, a little heavier, and a little more cautious, there were times when I wondered about how much longer this intermediate skiier could hold on. The weather cooperated and was mid-30s and sunny. Surprisingly, Killington had several inches of groomed snow and the conditions were great. All of this combined for an excellent ski experience. I had a fantastic day and remembered why I like to ski! It felt great skimming down the hills over the snow! For anyone who is interested, the Skis were MYA N
° 8.
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